Wednesday, October 1, 2008


1. Fried eggs won't stick or break in the pan if you add a teaspoon of flour in the hot pan before frying.

2. A little salt sprinkled in the frying pan while fran egg will also prevent the egg from sticking to the pan.

3. When poaching eggs, add a few drops of vinegar or lime juice to the water and they will set quickly and perfectly. 4. When making egg scramble, warm the fat, ghee or oil sufficiently just to melt it, take the pan off the fire, pour the mixture in and cook on slow heat stiring constantly.

5. If scrambled eggs become too firm, add another raw egg or milk or cream. Blend gently with the firm egg.

6. Bread crumbs added to the scrambled eggs will improve the flavour and make larger servings possible.

7. Eggs go on getting cooked even after they are taken off the fire. Threfore, take the pan off afew moments before they are actually cooked.

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