Thursday, November 27, 2008

How Parents Can Help Their Kids Overcome SHYNESS

If your little one always seems to be standing apart from their classmates it may be a sign that they need your help. All parents want their kids to be happy and popular, so if your child finds it difficult to make friends, what can you do?
Parents worry that intervening might put pressure on their child, but that doing nothing will make the situation worse. Some children have more difficulty in social situations than others. While some lack confidence and feel too shy to approach their peers to start games, other children have difficulty with social skills and don’t know what to do in certain situations.
If your child doesn’t have many friends, it’s important to talk to them. It is equally important parents to talk to their child’s teacher to see if they have noticed any difficulties.
Although the problem is often simply shyness, classmates may think that your child is being unfriendly. Shy children are often mistakenly perceived by others as being aloof and stand-offish. Often children who are happiest are those with a good circle of friends. Friendships are important in terms of your child’s adjustment and emotional development.
How to help
First, make sure there actually is a problem. Some children are more comfortable having just one or two friends and it might be you who wants them to have lots of pals. Some children might prefer to sit on the sidelines and watch others. If they’re happy, try not to worry about it too much.
Check their hearing. Even a slight hearing problem can affect your child’s ability to interact. In addition, around one in 10 children has speech or language difficulties, which can also hold them back when making friends.
Ask your child what is worrying them. If they’re concerned that another child will laugh or be mean to them if they try to make friends, ask if that’s really going to happen. Help challenge their negative thoughts.
Many shy children are drawn to make friends with another shy child, which is fine, but also encourage them to make friends with a child who’s a little more confident and has some skills they can learn from. Encourage them to take the lead when you’re playing games with them at home, perhaps by explaining the rules to you. That will encourage them to take the lead with other children.
Invite a child in your son or daughter’s class to play. Try to find a child with similar interests as it will give them common ground and help them to play together. While your child plays with another child, provide a kind of commentary and talk about the good things they’re doing as a way of reinforcing good behaviour.
If the children are playing well together say, ‘I love the way you two help each other out,’. It will encourage the child to behave that way again.
Once your child is happy with playing with one other child, the next step is to invite a small group of children to play at your house, or for your child to play at someone else’s house. Praise your child if they are making progress, but don’t go over the top. A smile or a wink is often enough.
If your child has significant social problems that affect their everyday life, then you may consider professional help.
While most children adore birthday parties, if your little one doesn’t have any friends it can be a terrible ordeal. And with many primary school kids inviting the whole class to their birthday parties, there could be one almost every weekend.
But letting your child avoid them won’t help in the long-term as they’ll never realise that parties aren’t as scary as they thought. Talk to your child about what you can do to make parties easier for them. Perhaps you could stay at the party with them, or wait until they are paired off with another child. If they have one particular friend, call the child’s mother and suggest they go together.
Older kids might be surprisingly willing to co-operate if you bring the subject up with them. On one hand they can just refuse to do things but on the other they might be more motivated to overcome it because they realise they have to do something about it.
Ask your teenager what’s stopping them from making friends. Some might not be sure what to talk about with their peers, so brainstorm ideas with them, such as what they watch on TV.
Remind them of times when they did really well in social situations.
Encourage them to take up an activity that interests them – it will help them meet others with the same interests. Team sports such as football are good, as they don’t have to talk much, which can stop them feeling awkward. It’s also a good way to meet people with shared interests, and teams are good for bonding.
If your teenager isn’t sporty, there are plenty of other ways they can meet like-minded people in a group situation such as a chess or computer club.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tips for preventing memory loss

Can anything be done to forestall memory loss?

Aging itself is the greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. And in about 5% of cases -- most of them diagnosed at an early age -- a genetic variation appears to predispose a person to developing Alzheimer's disease

But a variety of factors seem to reduce the risk of developing dementia. And the good news is that many are risks that people can reduce by changing their behavior.

* Take care of your heart: Rates of Alzheimer's disease are higher for those with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (fatty buildup in the arteries) and Type 2 diabetes, especially if they are poorly managed. In other words, the health of your heart and blood vessels seems to influence the health of your memory.

These are easy risk factors to identify, and treatments -- including taking medications, quitting smoking, changing your diet and exercising more -- can manage them. Though the evidence remains preliminary, a recent study showed that those with Type 2 diabetes -- generally having three times the normal risk of developing Alzheimer's disease -- reduced their risk of developing dementia when they took cholesterol-lowering statin drug for five to seven years.

* Use those brain cells or lose them: There's no evidence that leading a mentally stimulating life will prevent Alzheimer's disease. But there's lots of evidence that it will forestall the appearance of many of its symptoms -- meaning that even if the brain abnormalities of Alzheimer's disease are ravaging your brain, the "cognitive reserve" you've built up by staying intellectually active may allow you to function well.

Reading, puzzling out new challenges and learning new skills all appear to have positive effects for those at risk of dementia. Most surprising of all, perhaps, is that maintaining a wide network of friends, family and social relationships also helps protect against dementia's symptoms.

* Consume a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid, has been found in one human study to slow rates of cognitive decline among those with very early-stage Alzheimer's disease and in another, to slow the proliferation of brain lesions in mice bred to have Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Memory Clinic and the UCLA Center on Aging, says that when a patient comes to him with memory complaints that fall short of Alzheimer's disease symptoms, he recommends an omega-3 supplement.

Though the evidence remains preliminary for its beneficial effects, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which could have wide-ranging health effects.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Oily fish intake and dietary omega-3s may improve eye health

Fish intake, the major source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There are two types of AMD: wet and dry. Of these two types, wet AMD is the primary cause of vision loss.

In a study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers recruited 105 people (age 65 and over) with wet AMD and 2170 healthy people to act as controls, then compared their dietary habits using questionnaires. The scientists then investigated the association of oily fish and dietary DHA and EPA with wet AMD.

Compared to people who consumed less than one portion of fish per week, participants who consumed at least one serving of oily fish per week had a 50 percent reduction in risk of developing wet AMD. In addition, people who got at least 300 mg per day of DHA and EPA were 68 and 71 percent less likely to have wet AMD than those with lower consumptions.

The results of this study support previous research indicating a protective benefit of omega-3s against the onset of AMD. The benefit may be due in part to their important role in the layer of nerve cells in the retina.


Combining Foods to Create Complete Proteins

I was reading today about amino acids: there are 9 essential amino acids that we need to eat in our food; 6 non-essential amino acids; and 10 conditionally essential amino acids, depending on the health of the person and their regular diet. The amino acids listed under these headings are the choice of Dr. Elson M. Haas, listed in his book Staying Healthy with Nutrition.

This list of 10 conditionally essential amino acids must include some of the essential and non-essential amino acids, because there are only 22 in total: Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylaline, Proline, Pyrrolysine, Selenocysteine, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosien, and Valine. Of these, the most likely to be deficient are Lysine, Methionine, and Tryptophan.

Many foods already offer complete proteins: beef, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs. Foods such as legumes, grains, vegetables, and nuts offer incomplete proteins. But, in combination, foods with only some of the required amino acids can complement other foods with only some of the required amino acids and - voila! - complete proteins!

The subject of combining foods to create complete proteins fascinates me. Here’s a list of food combos that, together, create complete proteins:

grains and beans
grains and seeds
millet and aduki beans
brown rice and sunflower seeds
soybeans and rice
soybeans and sesame seeds
soybeans and corn
soybeans and wheat
soybeans and rye
peanuts and grain
peanuts and coconut
grain and legumes
grain and leafy greens
dried beans and corn
dried beans and rice
peas and wheat
So, I had rice and fish for dinner and now I’m eating almonds. Lots of protein and lots of fibre. All I’m missing are the vegetables.
Best of health, naturally

By Nina

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why we love Children

1. A nursery school pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat, but it was dead.
'How do you know that the cat was dead?' she asked her pupil.
'Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move,' answered the child innocently.
'You did WHAT?' the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
'You know,' explained the boy, 'I leaned over and went 'Pssst' and it didn't move'

2. A small boy is sent to bed by his father..Five minutes later......'Da-ad....
I'm thirsty. Can you bring a drink of water?
''No, You had your chance. Lights out.

'Five minutes later:
Can I have a drink of water??
''I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to smack you!!

'Five minutes later
When you come in to smack me, can you bring a drink of water?'

3. An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him
'How do you expect to get into Heaven?
'The boy thought it over and said, 'Well, I'll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, 'For Heaven's sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!''

4. One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, 'Mummy, will you sleep with me tonight?
'The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. 'I can't dear,' she said. 'I have to sleep in Daddy's room.'
A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: 'The bigsissy.'

5. It was that time, during the Sunday morning service, for the children's sermon. All the children were invited to come forward. One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress and, as she sat down, the minister leaned over and said,
'That is a very pretty dress. Is it your Easter Dress?
'The little girl replied, directly into the minister's clip-on microphone, 'Yes, and my Mum says it's a bitch to iron.'

6. When I was six months pregnant with my third child, my three year old came into the room when I was just getting ready to get into the shower.
She said, 'Mummy, you are getting fat!'
I replied, 'Yes, honey, remember Mummy has a baby growing in her tummy.
''I know,' she replied, but what's growing in your bum?'

7. A little boy was doing his math homework.
He said to himself, 'Two plus five, that son of a b*tch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a b*tch is nine.....
'His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, 'What are you doing?
'The little boy answered, 'I'm doing my math homework, Mum..
''And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?' the mother asked
'Yes,' he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day,'What are you teaching my son in math?
'The teacher replied, 'Right now, we are learning addition.
'The mother asked, 'And are you teaching them to say two plus two, that son of a b*tch is four?'
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, 'What I taught them was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four.'

8. One day the first grade teacher was reading the storyof Chicken Little to her class. She came to the part of the story where Chicken Little tried to warn the farmer.
She read, '.... and so Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said, 'The sky is falling, the sky is falling!'
The teacher paused then asked the class, 'And what do you think that farmer said?'
One little girl raised her hand and said, 'I think he said: 'Holy Shit! A talking chicken!''
The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

9. A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, I'm Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter.'
Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, 'I'm Jane Sugarbrown.'
The Vicar spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, 'Aren't you Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter?'
She replied, 'I thought I was, but mother says I'm not.'

10. A littlegirl asked her mother, 'Can I go outside and play with the boys?'
Her mother replied, 'No, you can't play with the boys, they're too rough.'
The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked, If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?'

Alisma Herb is an Chinese herbalism helps in Kidney and Bladder ,Spleen and Stomach

Alisma Herb
Alisma is helps strengthen water metabolism, which is a critical bodily function. It rids the body of excess dampness through the urinary tract. It is mild and safe with mild tonic qualities, especially to the Kidney and Bladder, and to the Spleen and Stomach as well. It is an excellent herb to use in a tonic program by those who need to stimulate fluid function, so long as you do not have a cold constitution.

It is often used for obesity, especially for people who carry a lot of water weight and tend to have rosy complexions. It is also commonly used by people who have difficulty urinating and by diabetics.

It is used routinely by older men to help cleans the prostate gland and improve urinary function. If you are experiencing a medical condition which you think involves an infection, see a doctor immediately. Urinary tract infections can be serious and can spread quickly to internal organs. Don't take a chance. However, you can use Alisma along with most antibiotics since it is a very safe herb. This is a common practice in Japan and China.

Alisma is a very commonly used herb in Chinese herbalism. It helps strengthen water metabolism, which is a critical bodily function. It rids the body of excess dampness through the urinary tract. It is mild and safe with mild tonic qualities, especially to the Kidney and Bladder, and to the Spleen and Stomach as well. It is an excellent herb to use in a tonic program by those who need to stimulate fluid function, so long as you do not have a cold constitution.

It is used in medicinal herbalism to treat damp heat conditions, which means conditions that are associated with chronic or acute infections. It is one of the primary herbs used to treat damp heat conditions associated with the Kidney and Bladder system, such as leukorrhea, where the discharge is yellow or urinary tract infections. It is also used to treat conditions such as lung congestion where the phlegm is tinged yellow or green are examples. It is often used for obesity, especially for people who carry a lot of water weight and tend to have rosy complexions. It is also commonly used by people who have difficulty urinating and by diabetics. It is used routinely by older men to help cleans the prostate gland and improve urinary function. If you are experiencing a medical condition which you think involves an infection, see a doctor immediately. Urinary tract infections can be serious and can spread quickly to internal organs. Don't take a chance. However, you can use Alisma along with most antibiotics since it is a very safe herb. This is a common practice in Japan and China. It can be used in large quantities. In fact it usually requires fairly large doses to do its best worst.

Aloe Vera: Soothing Properties

Aloe vera (Aloe) information
Aloe vera, also known as the Medicinal Aloe, is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in northern Africa. The species does not have any naturally occurring populations, although closely related Aloes do occur in northern Africa. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD, because it is mentioned in the New Testament. However, it is unclear whether the aloes described in the Bible are derived from A. vera. Extracts from A. vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing or soothing properties.There is, however, little scientific evidence of the effectiveness or safety of A. vera extracts for either cosmetic or medicinal purposes, and what positive evidence is available is frequently contradicted by other studies.Despite these limitations, there is some preliminary evidence that A. vera extracts may be useful in the treatment of diabetes and elevated blood lipids in humans.

Aloe Anthropogenic uses
Scientific evidence for the cosmetic and therapeutic effectiveness of Aloe vera is limited and when present is typically contradictory. Despite this, the cosmetic and alternative medicine industries regularly make claims regarding the soothing, moisturising and healing properties of A. vera, especially via Internet advertising. As a food, A. vera is very bitter and unpalatable. A. vera gel, however, is used as an ingredient in commercially available yogurt, beverages and some desserts. It is common practice for cosmetic companies to add sap or other derivatives from A. vera to products such as makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, razors and shampoos. It has also been suggested that biofuels could be obtained from A. vera seeds. Other uses for extracts of A. vera include the dilution of semen for the artificial fertilisation of sheep, use as fresh food preservative, and use in water conservation in small farms.

Aloe Helps
Although there are many external causes of allergies, for some it is the hereditary weaknesses of digestion, nutrition, and the environment. In the battle against allergies, the first step is to strengthen the connective tissue in our bodies that is called collagen. Weak collagen tissue in the nasal passages, lungs, and intestinal tract cells walls makes it easy for foreign invaders to enter the blood stream, which causes an allergic reaction. You can begin to reverse this allergy sensitivity and relieve your suffering by taking aloeride.The aloe vera in aloeride has an acidic pH, which influences the body to manufacture the proper amounts of hydrochloric acid, which improves your digestion. Allergy sufferers are often inflicted with a weak digestive system, which refuses to allow the body to properly absorb important nutrients from the food we eat or from the supplements we take. When the body starts receiving the proper amount of nutrients, it starts producing collagen that helps to build up the tissue structures, thus warding off irritating allergies! The secret behind this action is the glycomannan complex inside the high quality aloe vera specimens that are selected for use in aloeride. This mysterious complex component of the aloe vera plant helps to strengthen the tissue cell walls. The yellow sap portion of the aloe vera plant contains natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which reduced the pain, skin irritation, and swelling associated with allergic reactions and allergies in general.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tips for Giving Kids Vitamins

Once your doctor has told you that you need to give your child a daily multi-vitamin the next challenge becomes getting your child to actually take the multi-vitamin everyday. Ideally you want to make it a habit for the child to take a vitamin every day so that he or she will always remember even if you forget. Also, it’s a good habit to have. So here are some tips that you can use to get your child in the habit of taking a multi-vitamin everyday:

Give the vitamin at the same time everyday – It doesn’t matter if it’s first thing in the morning, after dinner, or just before bedtime. Make sure that you consistently give your child a vitamin at the same time everyday. Eventually getting that vitamin will be part of the child’s routine, like washing their face or brushing their teeth.

Keep the vitamins in one spot – This can get tricky because you should keep the vitamins in a spot where the child can’t easily get them so that the child doesn’t eat more than one vitamin a day but you also should set up a routine by keeping them in a familiar spot. As the child gets older the child can start to get his or her own vitamin from that one particular spot everyday.

Use a daily medication holder – A fun way to remind kids to take their vitamin everyday is to put one vitamin in each slot of a daily medication holder. The child may not be able to read the days of the week on the holder but will know to open the compartment and take one vitamin each day. You can buy these at any drug store.

For small children crush up a vitamin tablet and put it in some juice or use a liquid vitamin because a pill might be too hard or too scary for them to swallow. If you are going to use liquid vitamins don’t keep them in the refrigerator for more than a week. Buy a new bottle each week because they don’t keep very well.

Use chewable vitamins and make them seem like a treat. Buy chewable vitamins in fun shapes and colors, or ones that have great flavors, or ones that are shaped like lollipops. Kids love treats, and they will love taking vitamins if they think the vitamins are treats.

Just a word of caution though – if you use this approach make sure you put the vitamins out of reach after you give them so the kids aren’t tempted to eat more than one. When giving your child a vitamin tablet that seems very large or if the child doesn’t want to swallow the tablet and you can’t crush it up try giving the tablet in a teaspoon of honey. The sweet taste and gooey texture will make it easier for the child to swallow and less scary.

Giving kids vitamins takes some practice. Every child is different so you might have to experiment to find out which method of giving vitamins works the best in your household. The most important thing to remember is to start a routine and get the kids in the habit of taking that vitamin everyday. That’s a habit that they could take with them through their whole life and it could help them stay healthy and strong throughout their lives.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

7 Strategies to succeed with online education degree

The ability to obtain an online education degree has opened the educational doors for many students who cannot afford to attend school on campus as a full-time student. Distance learning courses definitely provide some advantages over the traditional college education. But, because of the methods of delivering and receiving the material, students must consider the 7 things necessary in approaching an online education successfully.

1. Choosing the right accredited online college or university - The first step is to select the right institution to provide for your online education degree. Do your homework before starting school, and make sure the school has been accredited by the appropriate accrediting agencies. Unfortunately, without that educational stamp of approval, the degree will not be worth the paper on which it is printed. In fact, “diploma mills” offer substandard, or no education with the promise of a quick (but worthless) degree.

2. Analyze cost vs. benefit - Some students enroll in a distance learning program without considering the cost. Generally, the cost per credit hour is fairly expensive. However, decide whether the education will translate into better income opportunities down the road. Only after assessing the true benefits can students appreciate the rewards of obtaining an education online degree.

3. Provide degree verification to potential employers - Faced with the prevalence of bogus and worthless degrees, it is no wonder that prospective employers are a little wary to hire employees who have acquired a diploma through distance learning. Therefore, anticipate potential skepticism and bring along proof of accreditation from the college or university. By underscoring the recognition of the U.S. Department of Education and CHEA, it will immediately alleviate any degree misgivings.

4. Practice discipline, intrinsic motivation, and good time management - In the beginning, students may not fully comprehend the discipline necessary to stay focused and keep pace with online classes. It takes strong intrinsic motivation to succeed without the classroom atmosphere and peers. Time management is critical. Setting up communication with other students will be most helpful on the road to success.

5. Take advantage of the facilities available - Online lectures and email correspondence are a great venue for facilitating communication with fellow students, tutors, and instructors. Take every opportunity to utilize these options as a means of progressing through the classes, staying motivated, and feeling connected with your accredited online college or university.

6. Transfer credits - Students seeking an online education degree often have some credits from courses taken at other institutions of higher learning. Generally, online universities will accept some or all of the previous credits, so the courses do not have to be retaken. Therefore, it is incumbent on the student to obtain official transcripts, in order to receive credit transfers from their prospective accredited online college.

7. Take advantage of technology to complete your class work - Another factor for online education degree success is the opportunity to take advantage of all the conveniences that technology provides. Many accredited online colleges provide students with online digital libraries, databases and resources that a student can use to complete their course work and assignments. In most instances the cost of these facilities is already included in the tuition fees. Thus it makes good sense to make full use of these resources to your advantage.


5 Tips To Help You Lower Electric Bill!

Looking to lower your electric bill and start saving money? Hopefully all of us can not only save money but also save the environment at the same time! Did you know that of the total energy consumed in America about 39% is used to generate electricity, and most of the electricity in the US is generated from fossil fuels. We can all start making small changes to not only lower our electricity bills, but to also clean up our environment. Below are five great tips to help you start making a change today!

Clean or replace your air conditioner filter. This will not only cut cost, your unit will also run more efficiently.

Remember to close vents in unused rooms, no need to cool it down or warm it up if no one is in it.
Wash your clothes in cold water, yes they will come clean. When possible try to wash your laundry in the evening or morning during summer months, this way your home stays nice and cool.

Turn off lights! Don’t forget about the T.V., computer, and video games. You should also unplug items (such as your microwave & alarm clock) as well, even though they are turned off they are still using energy!

Start using energy efficient light bulbs. Although they may cost more they will save you much more in the long run. A great investment that puts money back in your pocket, love it!

By following these simple tips you can make changes today that will save you money in the long run. Hopefully we can all make changes that will not only save us money, but also save the environment. If we all work together by changing the things we can, we will all make a positive impact!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Does boiling affect calcium, proteins and vitamins present in milk?

Milk is heat treated (Pasteurized) at the Dairy to kill any pathogenic micro-organisms that may be present without affecting its nutritional quality. But milk boiling (100 degrees C) in houses causes changes in its constituents. The higher the temperature and the longer the exposure to heat the greater the changes.

The Solubility of calcium phosphate is very temperature-dependent. Unlike most compounds, the solubility of calcium phosphate decreases with temperature. This means that heating causes precipitation of calcium phosphate in the micelle, while cooling increases its concentration. After cooling, the reaction is readily reversible, but after heating to high temperatures, the reversibility is more sluggish and incomplete.

The changes at high temperature imply that the milk becomes more acid and pH drops.

Major protein, Casein (2.8 per cent) is not considered denaturable by heat within normal ranges of pH, salt and protein content.

Whey proteins (0.7 per cent), on the other hand, particularly Beeta-Lactoglobulin which makes up about 50 per cent of the whey proteins, are fairly heat sensitive. Denaturation begins at 65 degrees C and is almost total when whey proteins are heated to 90 degrees C for five minutes.

For whey proteins heat denaturation is an irreversible reaction. The randomly coiled proteins “open up”, and Beta-Lactoglobulin in particular is bound to the alpha casein fraction by sulphur bridges.

Milk is an important source of A, D and group B vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins are very thermo stable and their level is not lowered by heat treatment. However, when milk is fortified with vitamin A, the relative loss seems to increases.

Losses of vitamins mainly concern Vitamin C and some of the group B vitamins. The loss of Vitamin C as such is generally of minor importance, as milk is not an important source of this vitamin, but it may influence the Nutritional value anyway. The breakdown of Vitamin C is connected with that of vitamin B12 and protects folic acid from oxidation.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Study Shows Vitamins Don't Prevent Cancer

The assumption that cancer can be prevented by daily vitamin consumption has been proven false by research at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

The Women’s Antioxidant and Folic Acid Cardiovascular Study in co-operation with Brigham and Women’s Hospital followed 5,244 women with cardiovascular risks to see how folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 affected rates of cancer.

Half of the women participating in the study, professionals over the age of 42, took the supplements daily while the other half took placebos. However, the results showed no significant difference in cancer rates between the two groups.

"A total of 379 women developed invasive cancer -- 187 in the active treatment group and 192 in the placebo group," said co-author Shumin Zhang. "Compared with placebo, women receiving the active treatment had similar risk of developing total invasive cancer, breast cancer, or any cancer death."

Since folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are key factors in DNA synthesis, it had been theorized that they could prevent cancer if taken regularly. Even though these supplements aren't proven to be preventative of cancer, they are still good for a multitude of other things your body needs -- so don't stop taking them.

Vitamin B6 is needed for protein metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, and proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B12 is needed for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the body, affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production. This is the stuff you take more of if you need more energy.

Folic Acid plays a large role in cell growth and development, as well as tissue formation.
A good, well-rounded multi-vitamin is recommended on a daily basis for general health maintenance, no matter what your age.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Vitamins and Minerals And Supplementing Your Diet With Multivitamins

Vitamins and minerals are just a few of the things that our bodies need in order to stay healthy. If a person wants their body to remain healthy and in proper working order, then the right dose of minerals and vitamins is required.
Many times people will supplement their diet with multivitamins because their diet alone is not providing everything their body needs. Knowing which ones are needed to keep a body healthy can prove to be invaluable information.
Vitamins and minerals are varied, and to understand them one has to know what types are on the market. For vitamins, two types exist. The first type is water soluble. These vitamins can be easily absorbed by the body without any extra help.
Fat soluble vitamins, however, must have bile in order to be absorbed. If one wishes to do a little extra research, then a great website to check is Here one can find information on the various types of vitamins and what happens to the body when too many are taken.
For those looking to stay healthy, they should become educated about vitamins and minerals in order to survive life on this planet. How one goes about getting them varies from person to person. No matter whether from a healthy diet alone or with vitamin supplements too, the key is to become educated about your health.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why do you need vitamins?

It is a long-held belief that you don’t need vitamins. Vitamins are supposed to be in our food. It wasn’t until the Great Depression era that we see the idea of taking vitamins. It just so happens that this is the same time that we see rapid changes in production and manufacturing of food in the United States. There are five basic ways, vitamins are produced.
  1. Natural - little or no processing from vegetables, minerals or animal sources
  2. Natural source - processing found vegetable mineral or animal sources, extracting vitamins from sources.
  3. Nature identical - laboratory manufactured nutrients identical in molecular structure and activity and humans to natural nutrients.
  4. Synthetic - inexpensive, larger isolated vitamins, laboratory manufactured.
  5. Whole food - highly usable and available to the body.

Some people have a bad reaction to synthetic vitamins, the body does not recognize a chemically created vitamin. Even if it looks the same under a microscope has a plant-based vitamin also vitamins are not meant to be isolated. Your body sees vitamins as food there for your vitamins should be plant-based like food.

It is also suggested that you look for good manufacturing practices or GMP. Supplement providers are acquired by the DSHEA Act to regulate the quality of the vitamins and other supplements. Supplement providers that meet these standards advertise this on their logos or products. Good manufacturing practices basically mean that what is in one serving of a supplement is exactly the same as another serving from the same bottle or from a different bottle entirely. This is easy to establish when using synthetic vitamins, but whole food plant-based supplements that are the most absorbable are often harder to regulate. It’s very likely your body will notice a difference when you consume high quality nutritional supplements.

Homeopathic Medicines Boost the Immune System

Changed lifestyles have been instrumental in affecting the immune system in a highly negative way. The immune system is a complex arrangement that involves the liver, spleen, thymus, the lymphatic system and bone marrow, which work in tandem to maintain resistance to disease. This immunity is partly inherited. It also depends upon the lifestyle that individuals choose to adopt. The hurry with which we want to treat minor ailments is probably the main reason behind frequent attacks of common cold and flu or an increased susceptibility to disease. Instead of waiting for the body to heal itself or looking for an antibiotic alternative like an herbal antibiotic , the tendency is to rush to conventional antibiotics for quick relief. In most of the cases, immune system health is compromised due to an excessive use of antibiotics. Moreover, an antibiotic ceases to be effective if it is taken without a proper diagnosis or prescribed without determining the specific bacteria that has caused the disease. Ginger and other dried herbs for immune system steeped in boiling water, for example, will relieve symptoms of a sore throat, common cold while boosting the immune system health.

Homeopathy provides another natural alternative to avoid indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Homeopathy believes that the same substance that causes a disease will cure it in its diluted form. For example, coffee leads to sleeplessness but an extremely diluted remedy prepared from coffee itself will ultimately cure it. Some of the basic principles of homoeopathy include:* The foremost priority should be to boost the immune system so that the body can heal by itself.* Symptoms are manifestations of the body’s attempt to treat itself.* Only natural substances and herbs should be used to prepare a homeopathic remedy.* The focus of treatment should be on treating an individual as a whole, rather than providing temporary and quick relief.

Homeopathic remedies stimulate the immune system to assist the body in repairing any imbalances that may have occurred. The immune system has to be in perfect condition to perform its functions. A hyperactive immune system will cause autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis where the body starts attacking its own cells. A deficient immune system, on the other hand, leads to deficiency diseases like common cold and flu, often extending to more serious conditions.In homeopathy, an appropriate remedy is selected on the basis of the constitution of each individual after considering physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

The homeopathic Materia Medica contains a detailed description of each remedy meant for possible characteristics that can be expected to be present in individuals. Nux vomica is a constitutional remedy for energetic and ambitious people. Sulphur, on the other hand, is meant for energetic but less practical individuals. A Pulsatilla patient is one who is shy, kind and gentle and always ready to be led rather than lead. Arsenicm album is indicated in an ambitious but tense person who is always worried about health.Homeopathic remedies are easy to take, non-habit forming, gentle, good value for money and at the same time focus on strengthening the immune system to increase the body’s capability of self-healing.


Natural Home Remedies for Skin Care

A natural homemade remedy is the right way for your skin because they are not just simple to make but are cost-effective as well. Some people find it hard to adapt because of the mind set created by commercial instant products but surely they should be adopted because they come with no side-effects. What you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat. The main concern for commercial products is that more often then not they contain chemicals that are absorbed by your skin finding their way into the bloodstream which can be harmful to your overall health.

Following are some of the remedies for the major issue related to skin.

Oily Skin:Mix ½ cup cooked oatmeal, 1 egg white, 1 Tablespoon lemon juice, and ½ cup mashed apple into a smooth paste. Apply it to the face and leave on for 15 minutes.

Dry Skin:Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus), available from Herbalists is used mostly as a tincture or in syrup, can be used to make a lotion for dry skin. Steep 100 grams of the fluid in 1 liter of boiling water. Allow it to cool, and then apply as a lotion or compress.

Wrinkling:Mash potatoes to a creamy texture with a little milk and mix with a few drops of glycerin and rose water. Apply this mixture to the area where skin is wrinkled. Potatoes are excellent sources of minerals, which are good for the skin.

Cleanser:Take chunks of fresh cucumber, seeded, and pureed. 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 egg white, 1 tbsp yogurt and 2 tsp powdered milk. This paste is great for cleansing the skin as well as easing of freckles.

Burn marks and Scars: Mix 20 drops lavender essential oil,20 drops geranium essential oil 2 drops rose essential oil , and 4 ounces Aloe Vera juice Add the oils to the aloe juice in a bottle. Shake before using. Apply on the areas of the burn or scar marks.

Skin Toner:Make an herbal infusion of chamomile or lavender flowers by pouring near-boiling water over 2 to 3 tablespoons of fresh or dried flower tops. Simply add 1 ounce, or 2 tablespoons, of cider vinegar and mix well. Pour this lotion into a spray bottle or mister for easy application. Use daily after cleansing the skin.

Little honey, lemon in hot water can help treat kids cough and cold

Wondering how to treat your kids cough and cold without using medicines? Well, a little honey and lemon in hot water will do the trick for your little one, says a leading health expert.

Parents concerned about the safety and effectiveness of over-the-counter pediatric cough and cold medicines often opt for home remedies.

A cold is caused by a virus that cannot be killed by an antibiotic, said Jacqueline Kaari, a pediatrician and chair of pediatrics at the UMDNJ-School of Osteopathic Medicine.

Nothing, including over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, will make it go away faster, but you can treat the symptoms, she added. Kaari suggests that making them drink honey and lemon in hot water or decaffeinated tea can effectively cure their cough.

For kids suffering from cold steam, such as shower steam, will help loosen secretions. A good nutrition and drinking plenty of liquids would also work effectively.

Use of cool mist humidifier to moisturize air passageways or throat lozenges to relieve sore throat when age appropriate, would help in faster recovery. Kaari also urges parents to keep children home from school for one to three days and for at least 24 hours after they have had a fever.

She suggested that using Tylenol, following the recommended dosage instructions could be effective for a fever.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

8th Wonder of the World: Power of Compounding for Wealth Creation

1. In the previous blog, I had told you about the Rule of 72. Today I am going to tell you all about the easiest way to wealth creation i.e. using power of compounding. If today you invest 10000 units and you are likely to get 18% Compounded Rate of Interest per annum. This simply means that your money will double in approx 72/18=4 years (Rule of 72 as discussed in the previous blog).
2. Now see the power of Compounding: What happens to your money if it grows at just 18% Compounded rate of Interest annually;
10000 to 20000 (In 4 years)
20000 to 40000 (In 8 Years)
40000 to 80000 (In 12 Years)
80000 to 1,60,000 (In 16 Years)
1,60,000 to 3,20,000 (In 20 Years)
3,20,000 to 6,40,000 (In 24 Years)
6,40,000 to 12,80,000 (In 28 Years)
12,80,000 to 25,60,000 (In 32 Years)
25,60,000 to 51,20,000 (In 36 Years)
51,20,000 to 1,02,40,000 (In 40 Years)
3. Now after seing this, I really wished that my parents had deposited just 10000 units when I was born. That would have made me multi millionier when I really needed that money.
4. I know, you must be thinking that who would pay you 18% Compounded Rate of Interest in today's world. But If you see the track record of Mutual funds, you will find that getting 18 % Rate of Interest is not a big deal. And if you know the knitty Gritty's of Stock Market, then nothing like it.
5. So go ahead and enjoy a prosperous life and make sure that your kids also have a prosperous life. What you require is just financial planning and patience to allow it to mature.

Friday, October 3, 2008


1. Rule of 72 is an intersting thing to know. Bank officers and Account officers use this rule as a thumb rule. It is not exact but it is a good guide line. Housewives can apply this rule to their savings and investments to find out as to how much their money will grow at a particular Rate of Interest and in specific number of years.

2. Rule of 72 says that if you divide 72 by the Rate of Interest, it will give you the number of years in which your money will double at that Rate of Interest.

3. It means if you are investing your money with assured Rate of Interest of 18 %, it will double your money in approximately 72/18=4 years. Always remember that the it is Compounded Rate of Interest and not Simple Rate of Interest.

4. Now you know that if a financial institution or a bank is offering 9 % Compounded Rate of Interest, then your money will double in approximately 72/9=8 years.

5. You can use this formula to find out as to what is the Rate of Interest is being offered to you by a particular financial institute for any offering e.g. if some one is offering you with a scheme that your money will double in 5 years, then the Compounded Rate of Interest offered to you is approximately 72/5= 14.4 % per annum.

6. I am sure this information will be a handy one for all of you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008



1. Coloured saw dust, rice, wheat or jowar flour.


1. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of turmeric powder. A pink colour is developed upon diluting it with water. If only turmeric is present the pink colour disappears.



1. Maize fibres dried, coloured and scented.


1. Genuine saffron is tough. Spurious saffron will be brittle and break easily.

2. Genuine saffron dissolves easily in water giving the aroma of saffron. If the water extract is dried and a rod dipped in sulphuric acid is drawn across the surface, a blue colour which immediately turns purple and then reddish brown indicates pure saffron.


ADULTERANT: Essential oils may have been removed
TEST: If so, the cloves will be shrunken in appearance.
ADULTERANT: Saw dust and colour may be added.
TEST: Sprinkle on the surface of a glass of water. Wood shavings float and added colour will colour the water.
TEST: Shake a small portion in cold water. Coffee will float while the chicory will sink staining the water a brownish red.
ADULTERANT: Cassia bark which resembles cinnamon in taste and odour.
TEST: Added colour may come off in water.


1. The essential oil is removed and the pods are faced with talcum powder.

1. On rubbing, the talcum will stick to finger.

2. On tasting if hardly any aromatic taste, it indicates removal of essential oil.


When a fire breaks out, don't panic. Follow these safety rules

1. Remember all fires start as small fires. If you see one, try to put it out yourself, and at the same time shout " FIRE....FIRE....FIRE...." to attract other's attention.

2. If you have to vacate the building, do it in an orderly manner. This is important. In panic, the exit will get jammed.

3. When the electricity supply gets tripped or is switched off for any reason, don't use lift. The lift shaft being common to all floors, gets filled with smoke. Always go down by stairs. It is good to count the floors one has gone down, to know when have you reached the ground floor.

4. To keep the emergency staircase shaft smoke-free, it is important that the doors on each floor are always kept shut, but never locked.

5. If you are trapped inside, don't panic. Most fire casualities are not because of fire, but because of suffocation from the smoke. smoke being hot, does not exist near the floor. So put a cloth, preferebaly wet, to your face and crawl out of the area.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


1. Face Packs will tighten your skin in a matter of minutes. It will make you look younger and give feeling of reshness. They rejuvenate the skin and are natural way to glowing beauty.

2. Masks have a deep cleansing action on the skin. It helps remove impurities and dead skin cells.

3, They also keep the pores free of clogged grease and thus prevent many skin problems.

4. The entire process of the drying and hardening of the mask and its subsequent removal causes an expansion of the blood vessels in inner layer of the skin, bringing an improvement in the skin tone.

5. Blood circulation to the skin surface also improves, leaving it glowing, refreshed and healthy.

1. Before the mask is applied, the skin should be cleansed throrughly. Use a flat, wide brush, so that the paste is evenly applied. Leave out the lips and the region around the eyes. The mask should be left on till it dries. Use plenty of water to remove the mask.

2. Some specialized masks are 'peel off' kinds that need to be peeled off tthe skin after they dry.

1. A mask powder that is enriched with almond, sandalwood and other extracts is used. This is mixed with egg white, honey and yogurt into a paste and applied.It is ideal for cleansing the skin of dead epithelial cells and for tightening the pores.

2. This mask is not used on skins with eruptions like acne, or in cases of sensitive skin.
1. A soothing medicated mask is used. It contain extracts of clove, eucalyptus and sandlwood. These ingredients not only have a powerful germicidal effect, but also soothe and heal the skin. The mask is applied for about 20 Minutes and then rinsed off with water.

1. A mask containing extracts like balsam, date and honey is used for improving the skin's ability to retain moisture and make the skin texture soft, smooth and wrinkle free. It is applied as usual and washed off with little milk followed by water.


1. To keep eggs fresh, rub them lightly with butter, glycerine or oil or apply puddled earth all over the eggs and store under mud in an air tight vessel.

2. At normal room tempertature of approx 18 deg C, eggs will stay fresh for about 10 days. In a referigerator, fresh eggs will keep for as long as 2 months.

3. Yolks can be stored for four days in a referigerator, but whites should not be kept for more than 2 - 3 days. Pour a thin layer of milk or water over the yolks to prevent them from hardening.

4. Eggs should never be stored on a rack in a referigerator, as they absorb referigerator odours through their porous shells. The eggs should be kept in cartons.

5. In the absence of referigerator, apply castor oil on the outer shell of the eggs to prevent it from rotting.

6. When the eggs stick to cartons or brown paper bags, wet the points of contact and eggs will not crack on removal.

7. Donot wash the eggs when you store them. Wash them just before use. There is a bloom on eggs that helps in keeping pdours and bacteria from entering the eggs.

8. Store eggs with broad ends. Yolks are less likely to break up if you store eggs with broad ends up.


1. Fried eggs won't stick or break in the pan if you add a teaspoon of flour in the hot pan before frying.

2. A little salt sprinkled in the frying pan while fran egg will also prevent the egg from sticking to the pan.

3. When poaching eggs, add a few drops of vinegar or lime juice to the water and they will set quickly and perfectly. 4. When making egg scramble, warm the fat, ghee or oil sufficiently just to melt it, take the pan off the fire, pour the mixture in and cook on slow heat stiring constantly.

5. If scrambled eggs become too firm, add another raw egg or milk or cream. Blend gently with the firm egg.

6. Bread crumbs added to the scrambled eggs will improve the flavour and make larger servings possible.

7. Eggs go on getting cooked even after they are taken off the fire. Threfore, take the pan off afew moments before they are actually cooked.


1. If you donot succeed in making a frothy omelette, beat the whites and yolks separately and thoroughly. Add a pinch of soda bicarb to the whites and then stir in the yolks. You will get a really tasty and frothy omelette.

2. To make an omelette soft, moist and thick, add milk at the rate of 2 teaspoons for each omelette.

3. By adding a pinch of corn starch and a pinch of powedered sugar to the yolks before beating them, you would able to make a frothy omelette which will not collapse when removed from the frying pan on to a plate.

4. To get a soft and fluffy omelette, add a tablespoon of water to the egg while baeting.

5. A teaspoon of flour added for each egg would make a bigger and fluffier omelette. This will also ensure that the egg maintains its shape.

6. If you use a wet bowl or vessel to beat an egg, the yolk won't stick to the sides.

7. If you add a pinch of salt when beating the whites of eggs, it would froth up quickly. 8. Use a wooden spoon to stir egg recipes. the eggs will not turn greenish grey.


1. Wrinkles are a part and parcel of ageing process.
2. However, premature ageing can be avoided.

3. Smoking, pollution, exposure to sun, stress, drug use, lack of vitamin E and rapid loss of weight are few causes associated with the premature ageing.

Whenever a pack is applied, you should not talk or smile.
1. To remove wrinkles, mix 1 tablespoon of honey & one-fourth teaspoonful of carrot juice and spread over the entire neck and face. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Use cotton and warm water added with little bit of Soda bicarbonate to remove it.

2. Rub a piece of Papaya all over your face for 10- 15 minutes. You can also apply paste of papaya on your face. Regular use of papaya is a wonderful way of removing/avoiding wrinkles.

3. Apply a mix of mashed ripe banana and juice of rose. Wash with warm water after an hour.

4. Dip cotton in white of an egg and spread it over your skin. Leave it for an hour. Remove it with cotton using ice-cold water.

5. Consume approx 4 litres of water everyday. It will ensure that your skin is always hydrated and moisturized.
6. Use Aloe Vera cream with base as Stabilised Aloe Vera Gel. Normally creams with Aloe Vera advertisements donot contain more than 5 % Aloe Vera. Unlike other creams which form an oily layer on top of the skin, Aloe vera cream straightway peneterates the third layer of the skin, thus good moisturizer.

7. A regular good facial message improves the blood circulation and reduces wrinkles.