ADULTERANT: Essential oils may have been removed
TEST: If so, the cloves will be shrunken in appearance.
ADULTERANT: Saw dust and colour may be added.
TEST: Sprinkle on the surface of a glass of water. Wood shavings float and added colour will colour the water.
TEST: Shake a small portion in cold water. Coffee will float while the chicory will sink staining the water a brownish red.
ADULTERANT: Cassia bark which resembles cinnamon in taste and odour.
TEST: Added colour may come off in water.
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Cinnamon is often adulterated with Cassia bark or by mixing with genuine cinnamon a portion of cinnamon bark which has been deprived of its essential oil by distillation. The best cinnamon is rather pliable and ought not much to exceed stout writing paper in thickness. It is of light yellowish colour it possess a sweet taste. The inferior kind is distinguished by being thicker of a hot and brownish colour and pungent when chewed and succeeded by bitter after taste. The cassia bark which resembles the cinnamon bark is thicker and coarser in texture and breaks fibrous and splintery. Cassia has a slimy mucilaginous taste without any of the roughness of true cinnamon bark.
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